Monday, November 23, 2009

Some more 13th amendment

(Slavery is a problem around the world and very difficult to measure. The following examples are listed in geographical order and not in terms of the magnitude of the problem.)

1. US: An estimated 20,000 people are trafficked into the US annually - many are forced into prostitution.

2. Dominican Republic: Campaigners say hundreds of thousands of Haitians are rounded up near the border and made to work on Dominican sugar plantations.

3. Brazil: Up to 25,000 people are said to be working as slave labourers - most of them clearing Amazonian forests.

4. Mauritania: Despite its abolition in 1981, chattel slavery is still strong - up to 1m people are allegedly held as "inheritable property".

5. Sudan: Campaigners say northern militias continue to take women and children in slave raids in the south.

6. Europe: Tens of thousands of women and girls are cheated, abducted and forced into prostitution right across Europe.

7. UAE: Every year hundreds of boys are reportedly trafficked from South Asia to the UAE and other Gulf states to race camels.

8. Pakistan: Men, women and children are bonded into forced labour in agriculture and industry, campaigners say.

9. Burma: Forced labour is reportedly used on a growing number infrastructure projects.

10. Thailand: Thousands of girls are sex slaves for tourists.

(Sources: ILO, American Anti-Slavery Group, US state department.)

The image at the top is a map showing the geographical points of modern slavery in the world. Below it is more information regarding the type of slavery and trafficking in the areas. If you take note, USA is listed as 1 but yet we've abolished slavery.


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