Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Government Run Student Loans

I just want everyone to know what this Healthcare Reform has been shadowing. As we take more notice of the Healthcare Reform, underlying is the Student Loan Reform Plan. How many people will actually be able to get their loans under FFEL? As a student under the age of 24, my financial aid capabilities are limited. My parents are middle class Americans, making too much to qualify for aid but don't make enough to get ourselves through. Even though I pay my own bills, make my own income, and live on my own, because I am not 24 I have to rely on how much income my parents make. Which means I am only qualified for student loans. I am completely uncomfortable with a program in which the government has 100% control of student loans. In 1993, the direct loan was a "public option" and as of this week, the house will most likely pass the Student Loan Reform making the "public option" the only option. For more information, see this article.,8599,1924128,00.html?cnn=yes


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